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XOG - Adult Gamer Blog

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory. (SPNATI)

I'd like to bring everyone's attention to this cute little porn game. This is a well made take on the classic Strip Poker game, where you need to try and strip the girls (and boys) that you play against.


The game starts off at the character selection screen. You can choose 4 other characters to play with, from a host of girls and boys. The awesome thing is, you can even create your own characters and dialogue too, to better suit your tastes. 


Once the game starts, the mission is to make the strongest Poker hands at your disposal. The main aim is not to have the weakest hand in the game, since the character that does, has to strip. The game can be played completely online (or offline if you prefer) from 


Here's the stripping animation for Misty from the Pokemon series!


If you enjoyed this game, and are looking for more information and girl packs, head over to their subreddit

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