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Best Adult Games of 2016

The Best Adult Games of 2016


Hello, and welcome to my picks for the best adult porn games for the year 2016. We will be looking into some of the newest porn releases that have happened over the last 12 months. Some of the additions may not have been initially released in 2016, however they can be included if significant updates have happened in the last year qualifying them for this list.

If you have your own additions, or agree / disageree with the list of adult games, drop a comment below telling us why!

Without further ado ...


Crusoe Had It Easy



This is a fantastic game where you play as a guy stranded on a desert island with your cousin (or friend, depending on your options "notsoclose" is the cheat to activate "friend mode"). The game itself plays like an interactive novel, with a choose your own adventure style angle to it, and hentai elements throughout.

There are 7 endings in the game, 3 good endings and 4 more ... forceful ones.

They creators Patreon can be located HERE along with the download links for the game.

There is also a Walkthrough for the Game HERE


House Party



Party is an interactive first person RPG game where you need to navigate around a house party that you are attending, trying to pick up girls and have fun. This game has been in the process of being completely overhauled from its first iteration. This game is ripe with foul language, nudity (hurray!) and comedy, so it's definitely one game to look out for.

Currently the game is still in Alpha, and is on the version and is currently be developed in Unity3D, so it has some sweet 3d graphics. The game is rather unpolished, however it has enough content to keep you happy whilst the developer works on more. It is still in active development so new game play is being added all the time, and the developer takes on board suggestions from the playerbase.

This is a free game and the download can be found HERE


Elana Champion of Lust



Elana Champion of Lust is a game where you will have to bring back the natural order to an island where the people have lost and forgotten all about lust and passions.
You will control Elana, a fairy who has found the energy of lust and passion that was once removed from the people. Your goal on this game is level Elana up by means of physical and magical actions, which will make her stronger. In turn she will evolve in order to turn all people of the island into lustful beings.

The game sports a hand drawn style to it's art, which is a little unorthdox, but charming. 

Chapter 1 (as of now) is free to play for everyone, and chapter 2 is available for Patreons of the developer. You can get the game free HERE


Tales of the Drunken Cowboy



This is a not so new RAGS game that still gets active development. The theme of this game centers around mind control and adventure. The games setting is based in a Sci-Fi futuristic world heavily influenced by the Cowboy Bebop anime, with a little bit of Mass Effect thrown in for good measure. You travel around the galaxy as the captain of your ship with your hardy crew mates, getting yourself into no good along the way. 

You play as the badass space bounty hunter Celeste Blake: Captain of the Drunken Cowboy. Unfortunately, ALICE, your neural implant A.I. gets infected by the bad guy called Master. This causes her to become extremely sexual and seductive in an attempt to "train" you for Master. 

The Download for the game can be found : Tales of a Drunken Cowboy Download

There is a walkthrough for this game here also : Walkthrough


 Hentai High School+ (HHS+)


Hentai High School+ (or HHS+ as it's more commonly called) is a game where you are the principal of a school that has some issues. You are drafted in to take over, and transform the school into a success. Little do the board know that deep down, your a little perverted. Slowly corrupt the school from within, and slowly pass rules and classes with the PTA to slowly turn your students into sexual degenerates. Maybe the school porn filter should stop working, or the new skirts should be a couple of inches shorter.

This game has recently moved into v1.07, which brings more additions and the foundations to start corrupting more than just the school. Bring your influence out into the town to try and corrupt everyone, making them more succeptable to your suggestions. This game deserves a place in this list just by it's sheer size. It's huge! Alot of detail has gone into making this a good game, with plenty of Hentai images, the new models ingame which accurately show each student (each with their own hair and clothes style, along with their own body types.

You can find the download for the game here : HHS+ Free Download 


... To Be Continued